Payment methods
Bank account deposit
You can deposit the price of your order in one of the following bank accounts. After depositing the money, please contact us by phone (at or 2109751137) to let us know that the deposit was made, or send us by fax (at 2109761447) or by email (at the receipt your deposit.
Cash on delivery
Pay the price of the order in cash to the transport company, at the time of receipt of the products. In case the shipping costs are higher than those shown on the order form (due to weight, volume or inaccessible area), we will contact you to inform you about the final cost of your order. For cases over 200 euros the cash on delivery.
Credit card payment
You can pay for the products you ordered from our online store with a credit or debit card of any bank. Payment by card is easy, immediate and with absolute security. Your credit card information is transferred encrypted directly to the bank without being disclosed or stored in our online store.
Bank accounts
Piraeus Bank
Account Number: 5022-058288-898
IBAN: GR51 0172 0220 0050 2205 8288 898
Account Number: 156002002009208
IBAN: GR8401401560156002002009208
National Bank
Account Number: 15644050641
IBAN: GR1001101560000015644050641
Eurobank Bank
Account Number: 0026.0069.15.0200507359
IBAN: GR2702600690000150200507359
Payment in our store
If you wish to receive the products of your order from our store, then you can pay for your order directly upon receipt of the products.